Video production, editing, and sharing are the easiest they have ever been. Video consumption in America has skyrocketed. Promo videos, commercials, and teasers are tried and true cornerstones of the industry. According to eMarketer, online video ad spending is about to skyrocket as well – they estimate that it will triple over the next three years. With motivation in mind, it is easy for a company or agency to want to kick-start video production. However, many lose interest when they factor the amount of time, money, and training that is involved.

The Canon 7D is a very popular and affordable option for video production.

Thankfully, the time-tested progression of technology has made everything stronger and smaller. iPhones can record 1080p video and conveniently toss it onto social media. Canon, Nikon, and other camera companies have extensive lines of HD video-capable cameras. Some of their most popular models have these capabilities built in. As their catalogues expand, their cameras become cheaper, and HD recording cameras exist for as low as $700-$800.  To put it simply, if the proper amount of research is done, then a video-ready camera will be very easy to come by for an affordable price. These cameras are easy and fun to learn. Camera classes as well as online video tutorials are at your disposal for maximizing efficiency.
I have had a lot of people ask me about Go Pro cameras as a great video recording option. Go Pro cameras could be exactly what a few people need, but that fills a very specific niche. Go Pro footage looks great as it is advertised – first person perspectives of someone doing something exciting. Its size and portability make it an excellent option for mountain biking or extreme sports. But if you are serious about video production and editing in a traditional sense, avoid the Go Pro if you are taking predominately static (zero to little movement) shots. Save the Go Pro footage for the mountains, trails, skate parks, and skydives.
So let’s say you get really comfortable with your camera and just recorded a great set of video clips to edit for a client. What’s next?  Thankfully, technological progression has made it easier than it has ever been to secure an editing program and capable computer. Today, quality Macs and PCs practically come fully edit-ready out of the box. Video editing capabilities are standard for most computers, and obviously, checking system requirements before you buy is priority number one. The good news is that starting an editing suite is as easy as families upgrading to a new computer or kids buying computers for school. There are a wide amount of options as well. Adobe, Apple, and Sony all have their own take on editing software. My recommendation is Avid Media Composer, the industry standard. It, as well as other editing programs, has a full free 30-day trial, so there is plenty of time to test drive. Much like Photoshop and other creative software, it is easy to get started in your editing program of choice, but mastering it takes more and more practice.
Avid Media Composer is the complete package for video editing and post-production work.

As blasphemous as this may sound, it is almost baffling to consider that editors were once splicing actual film strips together to make a composition. Editing programs make it a breeze, as long as you know what you are doing. Outside help, books, classes, or the strong community of online tutorials will make up the bulk of your training. Greater proficiency can take you a long way. If you develop a real knack for it, you could become your own one-person recording and editing department, and there’s not an agency in the world that wouldn’t want that.
Thankfully, after all of your hard work, distribution is simple. YouTube is the definite first choice, but Vimeo holds a special place for well-crafted and good looking videos. Vimeo has a clear level of sophistication above YouTube, but the reach is not as wide. As long as online video sites stay free, what would it hurt to upload to all of them? Interfaces are simple, and uploading is easy. Just make sure you export according to compression settings ideal for internet viewing, and you can find these in seconds with a Google search.
Now that social media and videos come hand in hand, capitalizing on these trends has never been more appealing. Online videos and ads are perfect tools for branding and generating interest. Integration with smartphones and recent video consumption trends create a platform for quality opportunities. Keep in mind, too, that the television is still kicking. TV will still make up 38.9% of total media ad spending, and online video will be only 1.7% (eMarketer). Videos edited with the tools listed above are fully capable of becoming television ads. Soon, the new business trickling in will have paid for the camera and editing suite in full.
Agencies and companies always have their eye on high quality commercials and promo videos. The state of cameras and editing technology makes video production extremely affordable and easy to distribute even for the smallest of agencies. The opportunities are tremendous, and it is not hard to train or find someone capable of producing something great. With the current video consumption trends, online spending projections, and practical guarantee that your work will be seen, video production seems like a no-brainer more so now than ever for advertisers and brands.
Feel free to contact us with any questions  you may have on any phase of video production or editing at – we’d love to hear from you!

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